At the 4th Annual Convention of the Green Building Council of SA held in Cape Town last year, encouraging residential green building retrofit projects were announced by GBCSA CEO Brian Wilkinson, including a British High Commission-sponsored green street retrofit in KZN, coinciding with the COP 17 held in Durban.
As a GBCSA Member, Eco-Insulation, is involved in the production of green thermal insulation building material from recycled commercial cellulose waste streams. The greening of South Africa’s underdeveloped low-cost housing sector represents a major opportunity to get it right, first time. Green street projects are steps in the right direction. We are encouraged by this development.
Eco-Insulation believes that the usage of our product above the ceiling, within the cavity or even under the floor will contribute significantly to a favourable rating of future building projects – “designed” and “as built”.
We base these claims on the following facts about our product:
As a recycled cellulose material the product is effectively upcycled, leaving minimal environmental footprint during manufacture thanks to its low energy mechanical process – meaning low embodied energy.
The energy-saving performance of the product, once installed, is excellent – considerably benefiting the energy performance of the whole building. In certain building designs under extreme summer conditions, buildings have been observed to be up to 8 – 10 ºC cooler, and considerably warmer in winter.
It is readily recycled when no longer needed in situ.
In the case where downcycling is the only option, it can be put to use in various agricultural applications. Significantly, it is one of few insulating materials to be fully biodegradable.
Eco-Insulation is a zero-emission product. It is safe to have in the home. This is a major advantage over many composite insulation offerings in the market.
Well-suited to mass housing development projects. Eco-Insulation’s sun-contractors can service multiple housing units during a single visit. The product is seamlessly pumped into place and once installed, settles and forms a high-performance thermal protection layer that conforms to the requirements of SANS 10400 XA Codes on demand.
Eco-Insulation is approved under SABS 1381-6 and therefore displays the SABS mark.
Specifiers be warned: Advertising a product as being “SABS tested” does not mean that the product is SABS approved. Only products carrying the SABS mark comply with the relevant standard. Eco-Insulation proudly displays the SABS Certification Mark. It also carries a fire rating of B/B1/2, meaning no spread of flame.